Using Science electives in High School to prepare for a career

If you're already thinking about diving into medicine when you get out of school then it would be advisable to do get a "running start" on some knowledge you'll need to "make it" in your desired medical profession.

True, most people want to be doctors when they grow up, but a lot of High School students want to work in medicine outside of the "M.D.". How can they help themselves out while they're still in High School? Let's take a look.

Students DO need science courses to help them with Medical School, but it's not just the sciences that you would think of automatically that help.

Biology and Chemistry are the most obvious candidates. In fact, many Med Schools would prefer you get your college degree in Biology or Chemistry (though the author has known people with non-science degrees who went to Med School, so this is not the "end-all-be-all of this subject).

Look deeper and you'll see that they also would like you to have some experience with Physics so you can better understand all of the machinery that Doctors use (that rely on Physics). Plus, you'll need some calculus to go along with the Physics (because advanced Physics requires Calculus. Did you know that Isaac Newton invented Calculus to prove his theories?)

Oh, and of course there's the obvious...Anatomy.

But, you also need to have a strong background in English. Why? I know what you're thinking "I can't read my Doctor's handwriting so why do I care about taking English classes for Med School?". Well, if you plan of surviving in a HIGHLY academic environment then you make a lot of your bones on writing papers, submitting papers to medical journals, presenting those papers at conferences, and writing up research. If you don't have a REALLY good command of the language then you'll be sunk.

Also, remember that your science courses should come with some kind of lab experience. This is easier to get in college, but if you're a planner and you're thinking ahead then try to take science classes with the "crazy" teachers who like to blow stuff up. Most likely, that's the most valuable lab experience you can get in High School if you want to get into medicine.

Like I said, some people would rather be Nurses or Physical Therapists, but those professions also would need the same kind of kind of training that I have prescribed for Med School hopefuls. The only real difference is that you would be in school for less time, but you'll still need all the knowledge you can get.

If you plan ahead, think about where you want to be in say 5, 10, or even 15 years then you can really get a head start on your training to break into the medical community. Everyone likes someone who comes prepared and the High School student who is already strong in the areas we've talked about will shine in a Pre-Med program in college. That same student will most likely shine in Med School, or as a Nurse/Physical Therapist/Whatever you want to be.

All I'm saying is this: Think before you act. Don't be unprepared for your dreams.

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