More Healthcare Jobs in Education

Public Education systems are fine places to find jobs in healthcare that are outside of the sterile atmosphere of a hospital or doctor's office.

I know that we've covered some opportunities in "educational medical jobs", but there are still more ways to work in education and healthcare at the same time. It would be very easy to overlook some opportunities that present themselves when we have students that have VERY specific needs. Let's take a look at other ways that you can work with kids, in a medical job, and in education at the same time.

There is a rising epidemic of children who are Autistic or have been diagnosed with Asperger's and those kids need an advocate in the education system. Many public school systems employ Autism specialists to help teachers and therapists deal better with kids who are Autistic. It would be easy to think that you must have a Doctorate to be an "Autism specialist", but many people who specialize in helping these students simply have Bachelor's Degrees in Education or in Psychology.

Because there isn't a MAJOR educational barrier it is smart for you to consider what "specialty" you can get into that will best serve your needs professionally as well as make you marketable to employers.

Let's say you have an Autistic child, you could easily work in this field if you went back to school and perhaps got a Master's degree in special education.

Perhaps you have a nursing degree and you want to work with disabled kids. There are lots of students who have disabilities and need special attention. These kids not only need help using a wheelchair, or walking, or talking, but sometimes they also need help being fed and being helped with even their most basic needs.

Finding this niche could make you the "disability specialist" in a smaller school system or a specialist in a school in a larger school system. Now, this doesn't mean that you only have to work with disabled children. Sometimes there are kids who simply have little medical needs that need to be nurtured. Perhaps you could become a nurse and work as a school nurse? Perhaps you could work as a "nurse's assistant" and go to school part time. There is no pre-requisite in training to be a nurse's assistant, but you could work in medicine and get a good start on a medical career.

Because the public school systems of America are required by law to offer services to so many students there is definitely a "niche" out there for you. It may not be exactly what you want, but it is a way to serve students who need your help. It's also a way to break into medicine and start your way to doing something that is EXACTLY what you want. Public school systems start you out working with kids, but the people who aid children also need to be supervised and aided themselves. So, if you start at "the bottom" then you can work your way up to being the "disability specialist", "autism specialist", or "THE specialist".

It's not the first place you might think of getting a medical job, but it IS a place where you can get a rewarding medical job that will carry you into a great career.

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  • Medical Assistants
    Salary: $28,300
    Job Prospects: A+
    Education After HS: 1 years
    # Employed: 475,950
    Part Time: 23%

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