Is there a morale problem for some doctors?
Some states are citing a lack of Doctors to work in their hospitals due to "morale issues" and this led me to ask a simple question:
Who's got a morale problem?
Yes, it's true that there can be discouragement from time to time in any professions, but what do Doctors have to be discouraged about? Doctors make pretty good money, work in an office, have a nice education that usually leads to a good career what's the problem?
Well, some Doctors have cited issues with pay regarding Medicare and Medicaid while others have cited issues with treating indigent patients from the communities around their hospitals. While it may be hard to work with people who have a hard time paying it is not an obstacle to a career in medicine.
Also, there may be governmental issues with programs like Medicare and Medicaid that don't allow for "proper" or "complete" reimbursement for services rendered, but that is part of what you sign up for when you become a Doctor.
If you read through the job descriptions on you'll find that we often mention the need to build up some capital before a Doctor opens their own practice. As with any other business money needs to be managed with a great deal of care. Instead of saying that the overhead costs of a medical practice as "outlandish" let's look at home to make it better.
We say all the time that you have to spend money to make money. Well, it may be time to have a "financial" assistant in the Doctor's office. Many Doctor's may find it useful to have a "finance savvy" person on staff who can handle all the money in the most efficient way possible.
So, if you're someone who is looking for work and you are good with money and finances then you may have found a new home in a local doctor's office or hospital. There are all sorts of people who may have lost jobs in the financial sector that may serve a Doctor or Hospital quite well.
Doctors should also take heart that there changes coming to Medicare and Medicaid billing and policies that should make it easier for Doctors to be paid correctly. This has been a problem in the past, but it looks like new regulations are coming.
If you feel like you want to be a Doctor but you don't want to walk into a minefield you also have to remember that it is NOT a requirement after your graduate Med School to open your own practice.
Many Doctors work for larger practices who pay a salary and keep you from having to deal with some hassles that may come along with billing and insurance. This is but one way to circumvent some of the negative press regarding money and the medical profession. In isn't as bad as it looks.
If you're feeling worn out or you don't want to get worn out don't worry about money so much as you worry about patient care. Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath for a reason and they must first "do no harm". Doing "no harm" includes not checking out on patients who need your attention, but don't have the most stable flow of money coming from their wallets. Everyone deserves to be served and you can do just that.